Yaruuna of the Alaq -WIP


Image Sizing

  • The banner on the front page is most suited for images at a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio depending on personal preference. It should be at least 1000px wide for best results. (The one that comes with the template is 2000px wide.)

  • The tall image in the bio section is at a 9:16 ratio. It will also resize based on width. If you make the bio longer, you may want a taller image, or to add another column to the container so it does not outgrow the image too much and make the spacing look weird. The image here will work best with the current spacing if it is at least 450px wide or greater.

  • If you need help with image sizing, or re-sizing anything / fixing spacing, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message on my blog and I'll try to help when I can.

How to Add More NPCs

  • The NPCs on the connections page are divided into rows of three. There is a new container for every row to prevent uneven spacing. To add more, you need to duplicate the container as a new one instead of adding to the same one, keeping only to a row of three per container.

  • Make a copy of the image and description sections and move them into place. There should only be two things to copy per new NPC.

  • If a row has an empty space with no NPC, click on the container, select the column that is empty (left, middle, or right) and check the box that says "use as spacer". If you have two NPCs in a row instead of three and want them to center, delete the empty column and the other two will adjust automatically. If you need to re-add the column later when adding another NPC, just click "add column" and the sizes should also automatically adjust in that case as well.

contentmay be mentioned in backstory but will not be actively writtencontent tw
examplemay appear in threads on occasionexample tw
bloodwill appear in writing untagged, but visuals will be taggedblood tw
sexual contentwill appear in headcanons and threadsusfw tw , smut tw
anything reallybe clear about your boundaries bestiestrigger tw , other tw , etc tw

[       RP Hooks                  Reach out if you have new hooks to suggest!       ]

  001   Traveller - As a nomad, a Shamanic Bard, and Merchant - she constantly travels, and can be found in many places across the star.  002   Merchant - Coming from a family of Shamanic Metalsmiths, she semi-frequently sells wares at local markets across the Steppe. From her father's forge comes specialized tools, jewelry, and magical totems. They are well known for making the tools and adornments used in shaman's rituals, along with more mundane items. These are blessed with rituals and customized for each user.  003   Pottery Maker - Yaru's own craft is pottery thrown on the wheel, which she may show alongside her tribe's luxuriuos pelt collection and father's more polished handiworks. Her forms are neither armature or amazing, offering simple containers with basic decorations of depicting local fauna and flora.

  001   Traveller - As a nomad, a Shamanic Bard, and Merchant - she constantly travels, and can be found in many places across the star.  002   Merchant - Coming from a family of Shamanic Metalsmiths, she semi-frequently sells wares at local markets across the Steppe. From her father's forge comes specialized tools, jewelry, and magical totems. They are well known for making the tools and adornments used in shaman's rituals, along with more mundane items. These are blessed with rituals and customized for each user.  003   Pottery Maker - Yaru's own craft is pottery thrown on the wheel, which she may show alongside her tribe's luxuriuos pelt collection and father's more polished handiworks. Her forms are neither armature or amazing, offering simple containers with basic decorations of depicting local fauna and flora.

  001   Traveller - As a nomad, a Shamanic Bard, and Merchant - she constantly travels, and can be found in many places across the star.  002   Merchant - Coming from a family of Shamanic Metalsmiths, she semi-frequently sells wares at local markets across the Steppe. From her father's forge comes specialized tools, jewelry, and magical totems. They are well known for making the tools and adornments used in shaman's rituals, along with more mundane items. These are blessed with rituals and customized for each user.  003   Pottery Maker - Yaru's own craft is pottery thrown on the wheel, which she may show alongside her tribe's luxuriuos pelt collection and father's more polished handiworks. Her forms are neither armature or amazing, offering simple containers with basic decorations of depicting local fauna and flora.

RP Hooks

  001   Traveler - As a nomad, a Shamanic Bard, and Merchant - she constantly travels, and can be found in many places across the star. For other Xaela, she may have visited your tribe some night with story and song, or to drive out a mischevious spirit.  002   Merchant - Yaru works in service to her tribe and family - selling a wide variety of wares. Her trade goods from the mountains range from pelts, claws, fangs, and a variety of raw wood supplies. The tribe sends down carts of large beams for new yurts, along with other sundry items such as wooden carved toys for children.From her father's forge comes specialized tools, jewelry, and magical totems made in the traditional style of shamanic metalsmiths. They are well known for making the tools and adornments used in shaman's rituals, along with more mundane items.  003   Pottery Maker - Yaru's own budding craft is pottery thrown on the wheel, which she may show alongside her tribe's luxuriuos pelt collection and father's more polished handiworks. Her forms are neither amature or amazing, offering simple containers with basic decorations of depicting local fauna and flora.

  004   Xaela Historian - Collects the stories of other Xaela helping to create a shrine of histories and preserving the story of her people on ancient stones high in the mountains.  005   Tribal Shaman - Getting married? Getting screamed at before dawn by angry spirits? Shamanic Services provided as needed - she can remove curses, bless a new house/weapon, give death rites, welcome a new child, commune with ancestors, etc. For a humorous scene, Yaru can also play matchmaker and assign two characters to engage in courting (with permission from both players).  006   Beastmaster / Spirit Shaman - The Alaq people are renouned for thier skills in animal husbandry, tracking, and trapping. An additional tribe skill taught to those with the talent for it uses aether to cowl and coerce untamed beasts into submission or friendship.She may be a good choice for catching a lost sheep, capturing a dangerous predator, or otherwise dealing with the animals of the lands.  007   Hunter, Tracker, & Trapper - Yaru loves the thrill of the hunt, but can also be employeed to track down specific prey when needed.

  007   Moks Tribe Connections - Given her mother's bloodline to the Moks tribe, she takes an active interest in other Xaela's business and is extremely nosy, using her status as Shaman/Bard to ventue into other tribe's lands that may otherwise be closed to her.  008   Mol / Qerel Tribe Connections - The Alaq believe they are decended directly of the first ancestors and were one of the originating tribes - with Mol and Qerel tribes being offshoots of the Alaq, fractured off due to migration patterns and beliefs.  009   Ejinn Tribe Connections - Chosen to be married to a member of the Ejinn tribe to form trade relations, she spent time learning the Ejinn ways from a young age.Thusly, knowledge of the tides and movements of the water can be a boon to hire her on during oceanic travel... or just use her for swimming lessons.Yaru is also an avid collector lost trinkets. Early forays into sunken ships started her love of adventure and exploration. She holds onto personal items of travelers lost at sea, and attempts to return them to friends and family, when possible.  009   Khatayin, Noykin, Ura Tribe Connections - Looked upon with favor and friendship when encountered, due to similar lifestyles.

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  Verse Name     Main Verse. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    Canon. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    Canon. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

  Verse Name    AU. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    AU.     affiliated with @blogurl
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
  Verse Name    AU. 
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

Xaela Tribe - The Alaqi People

  LIFESTYLE      The Alaq tribe roams the colder climes of the Steppe, residing throughout The Arras and The Tail Mountains - coming down into the lowland Steppe to follow the herd migrations and trade with other tribes, as needed.Subsistence hunters and livestock keepers, they forage for what they need and are careful to respect the land - culling out creatures who's numbers threaten to off-set the balance. Woodworking, metalsmithing, and leatherworking are commonly practiced and the goods are sold in trade arrangements. Some of the finest pelts on the steppe come from the Alaq trappers, and they sell long cuts of wood at far away markets where tall trees are scarce.Children are trained in the arts of combat and survival from an early age, and begin caring for livestock as soon as they can walk. Trials into adulthood vary slightly between the different Alaq branches, but often revolve around finding a spirit animal and forming a kinship (oft while drinking a special tea to help aid in spirit sight), or they might track a dangerous predator and slay it single-handedly - then bringing the body back to the tribe to feed the elders.The Alaq are rarely threatened by other tribes, both from the remote locations they live in, their generally jovial and welcoming natures, and their renowned fighting skills - to fight an Alaq warrior is to also fight his bear or wolf companion. Known to be fiercely protective of the tribe, it's said they track down aggressors and cannot be set to a cold trail until blood has been taken for blood.

  BELIEFS      The Alaq believe in the power of stories and songs. They produce almost as large a number of musicians and throat singers as they do hunters and trappers. Each branch of the tribe is expected to send stonekeepers out into the world to collect the tales of the people, bringing them back to add the words onto holy stones high in the mountains.

  HISTORY      Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

Yaruuna of the Alaq


  Name    Yaruuna (Yahr-oon-nah) - Goes as Yaru, Yara, or Runa
  Gender    Female (She/Her)
  Race    Xaela Au ra
  Age    Middle 20's
  Sexuality    Bi/Pan
  Relationship   ? She typically has several would be (NPC) suitors; despite her lack of interest in settling down. A free spirit often traveling when not spending time with her own people.  Moral Compass    CG/NG. Takes a very strong stance against poor treatment of her fellow Xaela and the animals and lands of her home.  Location    Ventures throughout the Far East - The Steppes, Ruby Sea, and Kugane in particular. As a wandering merchant and bard, she may be found elsewhere across the star during her travels.  Religion    Worships Nhaama the Duskmother, the Dawnfather, and many minor spirits and ancestors. Believes in the reincarnation of souls.  Languages    Eorzean, Old Au Ri, Ejinn Watersign, Moks Handsign, Hingashi


  Height    Tall for a woman of her kind  Build    The firm muscular definition of a warrior  Hair    White as clouds above the steppes or waves on the ruby sea. May be curly at times - tribal custom decrees wavy hair is beautiful, thus the women often braid their hair when wet and unravel it later to create curls.  Eyes    Bright and golden as the sun rising on the Steppe horizon  Tattoos and Scars    Carries several scars she's chosen not to mend before they began to scar up, for some personal reason. Tattoos TBA, but animalistic tribal forms.  Aether    Naturally deep wells, easily attunes to spells of water, lightening, ice, and earth.  Voice    A trained tone, able to portray herself as meek, bold, or vivacious as needed.


Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam

Distinguishing Features

  • Hair, clothing, and weapons decorated with an assortment of small items; polished bones, shell beads, feathers, colorful ribbons, metal rings, and so on.

  • "Khel Khuur" jaw harp worn on a leather cord around her neck. Sometimes carries a Tovshuur lute or Morin Khuur fiddle on her back. The fiddle has the upper half of a bleached horse skull functioning as the body of the instrument.

  • Can’t hear very well out of her right horn

  • Ceremonial bells on her equipment and traditional shaman tools on her belt openly mark her place in society.

  • Frequents Kugane and may dress in fancy silks of the current style, instead of her day to day garb of the Azim Steppe.

  • Rarely alone, Yaru usually comes with the company of one of the wolf-dogs from her families pack, with a sheep from the flock, or with some other critter.


  • Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but


  Professions   Günilbechin - Trained as spirit shaman of the Alaqi. Proficient in magical use of the elements of water and lightening. Known to save locals by rescuing shipwrecked crew members, as well as culling and destroying dangerous creatures found too close to villages and ger encampments.Khuurchin - Bard of the Steppe. Common is it to speak poetry, sing song, and play music on the vast plains - these Xaela are known as Storysingers. Used for teaching lessons, remembrance of histories, as well as humorous entertainment, Xaelan performers are welcome into many tribes where other outsiders may not tread. Note - this position is not inherently attached to use of the bow, and is commonly seen as an extension of Shamans and Mystics.Vaarchin - After studying for a time at the family businesses of metalsmithing, the young Xaela found it not to her liking and instead was drawn to an artisan of the Ejinn clan where she learned pottery making. She may be found plying her own wares alongside her father's metalworks at markets a few times a year, along with various items such as warding charms and the famed Alaqi leathers and pelts.


  Weapons Training   
Primary: Spear and physical fighting.Secondary: Ild / Turkish Kilij style weapon, Bow, Uurga Lasso.
  Magical Disciplines   
BRD >> Musician / Spirit Shaman - Onmyoji
DRG >> Traditional Lancer
BST >> Beastmaster
  Other Disciplines   
Assistant Potter
Amateur Fisher


Khoomkij (throat-singing). Primary instruments: Morin Khuur fiddle, Tovshuur lute. Secondary instruments: Limbe flute, Khel Khuur jaw harp.
Wrestling. Fishing - both spear and pole. Treasure hunting - sunken vessels.
Smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess

Expanded Info

  Disciplines Expanded   
A blend of classes serves as an in game stand-in for her unique skillset. Perhaps the closest FFXIV class is Lancer & Beastmaster. Yaru’s abilities are inspired / reflected in DND and homebrew classes: Druid's Circle of the Spirits, Bard's College of Soulsong, Bard's College of Spirits.
Yaru is able to use elemental attacks in tandem with her martial abilities, and may use her weapon as a focus to add aetheric elements to a fight.As a member of the Alaqi, she was taught a method to utilize her aether to create a deeper connection to creatures of the lands. Through this she could control, empower, and heal them. Given her tribe’s ancestral worship and belief in life after death, a natural progression was made into dealing with the kami (spirits) - starting with the animal specters of her beloved beasts.Yaru uses her music and aether to enhance the abilities of those around her, by channeling the powers of animal spirits into herself or others. She may also use it to engage with spoken spirits either to directly channel them or to hear the will of the gods through their whispers. Dance and ritual are also employed often during her communes, and each animal spirit must be studied, placated, and welcoming of her presence in order to grant a boon.